
Everything I'm not…Makes me Everything I am…

What Will You Achieve in 2010???

What Will You Achieve in 2010???

It seems as if everyone intends to get fitter or improve some type of performance in the New Year. But to be honest, we all know that by the time the year ends, we will not have achieved much. So why is it this way?

After days, weeks, or a few months, we all usually go back to our old ways and how we were. Then we will look back and say, “I gave up because I was too busy.” We always find an excuse. Blaming ourselves and busy schedules when most of us just have really bad time management.

This may surprise you but I’ve learned that most of the time we fall back, it may not have been our fault. Most of the time when we fail to reach our goals, it is because we have made them too difficult to achieve. We fail to reach our personal goals because they are too time-consuming, inconvenient, or ambitious. The new plan always looks good at first, but when it becomes obvious how much you have to put into it, the motivation goes away.

This is no one’s fault because our time is limited and we can’t get any of it back or create any more.  We all want more, but time waits for no one.

So let’s work on managing the little time that we do have and make the best of it. We can do this by eliminating “black holes” or wasted time doing things like watching television or just getting too much extra sleep.

This year I want to not only get physically fit, but spiritually and financially fit as well. Let’s GET IT!!!

January 4, 2010 - Posted by | Encouragement, Fitness and Health, My Life...

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